The National Association for Persons with Cerebral Palsy (NAPCP) provides a national coordinating forum to coordinate all activities country-wide, for and on behalf of persons with cerebral palsy. Services to persons with cerebral palsy are rendered at grass roots level by affiliated organizations, workshops, projects and special needs schools. A wide variety of services are rendered including special education, workshops, clinics, social and vocational counseling, residential care, transport and independent living.

The NAPCP is also represented on the South African Disability Alliance (SADA).


The mandate of the Association is set out in its Mission: and Objectives.


To take such actions in the area of operation as may be necessary to prevent the occurrence of cerebral palsy and to enable persons with cerebral palsy to attain their maximum level of independence and integration into the community.


To promote:

* Its belief in the dignity, equality and value of all persons.

* Such medical, educational, vocational and social services and facilities as may be required by persons with cerebral palsy to achieve independence.

* An environment which is free from those physical, legal and attitudinal barriers which hinder the integration of persons with cerebral palsy into the community.

* The availability of adequate personnel, assistive devices and other resources as are needed to achieve the aim.

* Measures to prevent primary impairment.

* Measures for the early detection and prompt and efficient treatment of persons who are, or may become cerebral palsied.